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25. Jan. 2025, 08:45
Frankfurt, Sachenhausen

vCBMC Frankfurt am Main presents




in FFM

/ Values

  • Faith: At the center is our Christian faith, which guides us in our daily lives and professional paths.

  • Community: We support one another and share our experiences as Christians in the workplace.

  • Calling: We live out our calling, bringing faith and work into harmony to act authentically.

일터 안에서 하난님과 나의 관계

일터 안에서 하난님과 나의 관계

Video abspielen

/ SCHEDULE Q4 2024


Saturday (토)

08:45 - Pilates (1h)


10:30 - Bible Verse (30min)
말씀 / 박동은 목사님

11:00 - Testimony (30min)

"성경 속 여성 롤모델에게 배우는 직업적 교훈

11:30 - Lunch (30min)
점심, 나눔


Saturday (토)

08:45 - Pilates (1h)


10:40 - Bible Verse (30min)
말씀 / 박동은 목사님

11:10 - Testimony (30min)

"하나님의 뜻, 계획, 그리고 나의 직업적 비전"

12:00 - Lunch (30min)

​점심, 나눔


Saturday (토)

08:45 - Pilates (1h)


10:40 - Bible Verse (30min)

말씀 / 박동은 목사님

11:10 - Testimony (30min)

"보험 및 개인 재무 계획 기본 가이드"

12:00 - Lunch (30min)
점심, 나눔


Saturday (토)

08:45 - Pilates (1h)


10:40 - Bible Verse (30min)

말씀 / 박동은 목사님

11:10 - Testimony (30min)


12:00 - Lunch (30min)
점심, 나눔


/ Save Your Spot

  • Sa., 25. Jan.
    Frankfurt, Sachenhausen
    25. Jan. 2025, 08:45 – 13:00
    Frankfurt, Sachenhausen, Grethenweg 108, 60598 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
    25. Jan. 2025, 08:45 – 13:00
    Frankfurt, Sachenhausen, Grethenweg 108, 60598 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Modern Architecture

/ Meet the Team

Wir stellen euch das vCBMC Frankfurt Team vor.

/ Contact

Mergenthaler Allee 77

65760 Eschborn

+49 174 247 8598

  • Instagram

We will get in touch with you!

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